iOS Build Environment Help Center


When reporting a problem, please include the following items:

• Windows version
• Builder version (from the builder UI title bar)
• iOS SDK version (from the builder UI title bar)
• A description of the context

Please write at least a few lines about the particularities of the app you're trying to build if it has some (e.g. whether it uses CocoaPods or not, whether it relies on a particular capability of iOS devices, what third-party SDKs it uses, etc).

Please *do not post the full build log in the message*. Instead put it on a paste service like the one I put up for this forum: and provide just the link in your message. This will greatly improve the readability of your message. But do provide the log (i.e. the URL to your paste) if you have one.

For screenshots, you can put them for example on PostImages: and provide just the link to them in your message.

Of course, please post only after you've:

1. read the Troubleshooting section in the documentation and haven't found the solution to your problem in it
2. searched the forum for a similar problem already answered and haven't found a satisfying answer. -- Thank you!

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  1. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Locked: Crash on first time app start (+2 questions)
  2. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Announcement: Can't use your Mac to extract the iOS SDK?
  3. 5 hounianci Build fail when use c# hot update solution
  4. 6 Pierre-Marie Baty Unable to Add for Review on App Store Connect
  5. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty New Unity 6; Unknown Architecture/bee.dag couldn't be loaded
  6. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Maybe conflict with odin serializer in iossdk 16
  7. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty App's weight issue
  8. 11 Pierre-Marie Baty Missing header files
  9. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Any way to speed up build times?
  10. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Apple iOS Upload Fails Frequently
  11. 13 Stefan Vasilev Problems Building a fresh project containing only Nineva GoogleMaps Plugin
  12. 5 Fernando unknown argument '-Wl'
  13. 14 Pierre-Marie Baty Error building pods
  14. 10 Pierre-Marie Baty method '-parentViewController' conflicts with same method from another category
  15. 5 Pierre-Marie Baty Build failed on command line
  16. 2 Pierre-Marie Baty Firebase / Google Mobile Ads (AdMob) version matching table
  17. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Linking UnityFramework dies on weak GameController.tbd
  18. 20 Pierre-Marie Baty Linking UnityFramework... ld64.lld: error: framework not found for -framework CoreAudioTypes
  19. 7 Pierre-Marie Baty Build error_framework not found for -framework FBLPromises
  20. 7 Pierre-Marie Baty Cocoapods installation fails on BoringSSL
  21. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty How to Generate a 256 bit Certificate Signing Request
  22. 11 Pierre-Marie Baty Struggling building an ARCore project. FirebaseRemoteConfig error on CocoaPod daemon build.
  23. 23 Pierre-Marie Baty Cocoapods error ' Connection closed by remote host.' and can't continue downloading pods
  24. 19 Pierre-Marie Baty UnityAppController.h build issue
  25. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty I try to install AdMob 8.7 manually error: undefined symbol
  26. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty IPhone does not allow to open the app
  27. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Recursive signature failed in FirebaseCoreInternal using CocoaPods
  28. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty AR KIT Unity
  29. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty First .command file not working on Mac
  30. 8 Pierre-Marie Baty XR Plugin Management - AR Foundation (Apple AR Kit)
  31. 39 Pierre-Marie Baty 'pch-cpp.hpp' file not found
  32. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty ld64.lld: error: UNSIGNED relocation
  33. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Upload on AppStore failed
  34. 7 Pierre-Marie Baty Build Deploy Issue
  35. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty OTA not working
  36. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Config save / load failure
  37. 19 Pierre-Marie Baty ld64.lld: error: library not found for -ld64
  38. 2 Pierre-Marie Baty Firebase sdk issue
  39. 2 Pierre-Marie Baty Problem with the new version of iOS Builder / Firebase Messaging
  40. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty IronSource Framework Problem
  41. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Starting April 29, 2024, all iOS and iPadOS apps must be built with the iOS 17 SDK or later
  42. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Can't Download BSD file system on 3.62
  43. 5 Pierre-Marie Baty AR app submission issue
  44. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty ld64.lld: error: undefined symbol: GADUMSetConsentMetaData
  45. 10 Pierre-Marie Baty Linking UnityFramework - ld: file not found
  46. 6 Pierre-Marie Baty XCode version issues?
  47. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty private key not found
  48. 2 Pierre-Marie Baty UnitySwiftProtobuf problem
  49. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty ld64.lld: error: framework not found for -framework FBLPromises
  50. 13 Pierre-Marie Baty xcrun missing - failure with ARFoundation/ARKit in Unity
  51. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Firebase building issues- linker does not detect frameworks
  52. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Cacheing Pods

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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty