Windows 10
Unity 2021.3.9f1
iOS Builder version 3.52
iOS SDK 16.0
Hello - when I try to build an AR project (even the samples), the build will complete, but it fails to work at runtime. It looks like it is missing an Xcode utility to copy some internal files into place. This output appears in the build output:
`DisplayProgressbar: Compiling XRReferenceImageLibrary (1 of 3)
xcrun (an Xcode tool) was not found. This is necessary to bake ARKit-specific data into an XRReferenceImageLibrary. XRReferenceImageLibrary assets will not work in asset bundles.
And then later (though I assume this is just a consequence of the above failures):
`DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "Build.ipa\Unity-iPhone\ARReferenceImages.xcassets\ReferenceImageLibrary_08BA87F6-226F-4747-ACC4-F6F44538336F.arresourcegroup\QRCode_28D1137F-1DCF-114B-945C-6CF3D6794BC6.arreferenceimage\Contents.json"
Any thoughts? Thanks for your time!