iOS Build Environment Help Center

Unable to sign: user-supplied entitlement

append delete engineerwr

• Versão do Windows 10
• Versão do Builder 3.36.1
• Versão do iOS SDK 14.4

I'm sure it's nothing critical, but I can't understand why he's asking me...

Unable to sign: user-supplied entitlement "" is absent from provisioning profile. Deployment will be refused if the device isn't sufficiently provisioned.


TIP: to add your extra entitlement to the provisioning profile, browse to the
iOS Developer Portal, tick this entitlement's checkbox in the App IDs section,
then re-generate all provisioning profiles that contain this app ID.

Has anyone gone through this? how did you solve it?
grateful for the attention.

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


You are getting this message because you are trying to sign an app with certain special rights (aka "entitlements") that are defined in its Xcode project, but the provisioning profile you intend to use in order to sign it hasn’t been created to cover these rights.

All the non-standard entitlements that an app uses must also be defined in the provisioning profile used to sign it. Typical "generic" provisioning profiles usually can’t be used to sign such apps. Instead, an explicit app ID with the required "application services" enabled (that’s another name for "entitlements") must be created just for this app on the iOS provisioning portal website, downloaded and installed in the builder’s Keychain, and selected for use for code signing.

Attention: some application services/entitlements require extra data to be passed to the code signer in the form of an XML property list (the builder UI has a button for that). That’s the case for example if that specific entitlement covers a customized list of allowed websites. When it’s the case, the Apple online documentation gives the information about the key/values to use in the XML data. In your case, the entitlement indeed *does* require such a list (your Xcode project might already supply it though). See

Do you need more explanations ?

append delete #2. engineerwr

good... doing what you suggested I enabled the app group for both profiles and performed the build normally.
grateful for your attention and thank you very much for the product, because every day I hate apple more :D

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

I agree with you that while they make great hardware and fine operating systems, constantly trying to force the developers into using willingly different software, languages and workflow than the common standards is mightily irritating. "Think different" should mean think better, not think the way we want you to think.


(Leave this as-is, it’s a trap!)

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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty