iOS Build Environment Help Center

Swift support is needed in Facebook SDK

append delete nekocon

*Version of Windows (Win7 or Win10 - I don't need the build number)*
Windows 10

*Builder version (from the builder UI title bar)*

*iOS SDK version (from the builder UI title bar)*

*A description of the context.*
This is a nekocn from peropero, i got some problems with the iOS project builder for windows.

I am using facebook sdk and prepare to use the facebook login kit in my game, but iOS builder make some error with the swift like this:

Best wishes,

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append delete #1. nekonon

Also if i build the xcode project with cocoaPod using facebook, it make error:

append delete #2. Pierre-Marie Baty


Facebook provides *binary* frameworks, which means you don't need to recompile the Swift code, as it's already compiled, all you need is to add them to the build in the builder UI and the linker will link against them without problems. Moreover, using binary frameworks yields much faster builds than recompiling them all with CocoaPods.

You can download the Facebook binary frameworks from their official GitHub repository:

Just make sure you download the same version that your Podfile requires, then remove the Facebook frameworks from your Podfile (or simply rename your Podfile to Podfile.bak so as to keep CocoaPods away if all your Pods are Facebook pods), and add these binary frameworks into the build as usuals with the "Add extra framework" button.

P.S. This is already explained in the documentation in several places.

append delete #3. nekocon

Thank you for the reply, the problem is solved as you said.

append delete #4. Pierre-Marie Baty

You're welcome.

Happy building!


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty