case c) You don't have any signing identity yet.
First, you need to enroll in the iOS Developer Program: https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/ (if you wonder whether you can use a free Xcode certificate, read about it a few paragraphs below).
Now, you need to generate a new signing identity. Use the iOS Project Builder for Unity's Keychain tool to generate a new private key, and a certificate signing request (CSR). Your private key will be automatically installed in the Keychain directory, and you get a .certSigningRequest file that you can save somewhere on your disk.
From "Now, you need to generate a new signing identity" I think I need to click "New certificate signing request". If yes, which entry should I choose from "Items in keychain" it requires me to click one. Or am I supposed to click on "New private key" first? Sorry I am not very experienced on this