Windows: 22H2 19045.2728
Builder: 3.55.1
IOS SDK 16.2
Unity Version 2023.1.0b1
Dear Mr. Baty,
i tried to build a scene of my ARDK unity project by following your tutorial. This single scene does not use ARDK functionality. Other scenes in this project do.
In the beginning i was on unity 2022.2.8f1. Shortly after i encountered this problem:
So i upgraded Unity to 2023.1.0b1 (even the latest alpha does behave the same) and the problem was gone. Now i face this error no matter what settings i choose:
##### Output
C:/IOS Project/Il2CppOutputProject/Source/il2cppOutput/UnityEngine.UIElementsModule5.cpp:1:13: fatal error: 'pch-cpp.hpp' file not found
<U+FEFF>#include "pch-cpp.hpp"
While testing i also ran into:
but i cannot reproduce this error anymore.
So whats left seems to bee this "pch-cpp.hpp" error as you can see in the log its omnipresent. I managed to find one post which might have something to do with the issue iam facing? ->
So while iam writing this start a search for this "missing" file in parallel and as you can see on the screenshot, the file is there, the path is short. What am i missing?! So i thought sometimes spaces in paths are a problem, but even after replacing "IOS Project" with "C:/IOS_PROJECT/"the error stays the same. i have no clue.
Hopefully the provided information is helpful. i could also upload a unity package with a basic ARDK scene or whatever if it helps. I'd very much appreciate your help on this.
kind regards,
Maximilian Schmidt