iOS Build Environment Help Center

.p12 will not import

append delete matt

I am on Windows 10, I have a .p12 file and when I try to import the .p12 file into the keychain tool the tool closes and nothing happens. Then when I try to build the Certification is not signed. I extracted the .cer and private key from the .p12 using openssl and added both files to the keychain tool. I have two privisioning profiles and when I select them the correct certificate is in the dropdown, but the associated private key is "not found". The only issue I have had so far is signing.

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


What you describe looks like a tool crash, but without more information that's all I can tell so far.

Please read the "DO READ BEFORE POSTING" paragraph above the threads list and provide me with the necessary info. I most importantly need the builder version. Thank you.

append delete #2. matt

The builder version is 3.35.3 and using iOS SDK 14.5. Thanks.

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

Please update to 3.35.4 and migrate your signing identity again with the latest assistant.

When you migrate the identity, do make sure to *not* use special characters in the .p12 password (a mix of [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9] is safe, but spaces, commas, dashes, greater/lesser than, quotes and other punctuations are not).

Let me know if the crash persists in spite of these instructions please.

append delete #4. matt

Okay I was able to import and get both the certificate and the key from the .p12 but the mobileprovision file keeps automatically generating the old certificate which did have a special character in the password, and I can't change to the new certificate it says deduced. Do I need to also get a new mobileprovision file?

append delete #5. Pierre-Marie Baty

I see the problem. Indeed the provisioning profiles embed their associated certificates. In fact you are trying to use an outdated profile.

The cleanest solution here is for you to connect to the iOS Provisioning Portal, revoke all your profiles, and create fresh ones. Then download them and install them in the Keychain tool. You can do that thoroughly from Windows, no need to use macOS here.

Let me know if you have other issues.


(Leave this as-is, it’s a trap!)

There is no need to “register”, just enter the same name + password of your choice every time.

Pro tip: Use markup to add links, quotes and more.

Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty