iOS Build Environment Help Center

OneSignal Pushnotification serviceExtension

append delete sathyaraj

I have created the certs already. Not sure what it means by suitable provisioning profile for service extension. The tool requires me to rename it to something ".mobileprovision". Notification certificate has ".cer" extension. can someone share some light on this?

Here is the error.
Error: couldn't find a suitable provisioning profile for the "OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension" App Extension.
App Extensions require a dedicated provisioning profile, different than the one used to sign your apps. Please put this provisioning profile alongside the one for your app and name it "MyGame_Dev-AppEx.mobileprovision".
You don't need to change your signing identity. The builder will simply pick the "C:\Users\sats\iOS Project Builder for Unity\Keychain\MyGame_Dev.mobileprovision" profile for your app, and "MyGame_Dev-AppEx.mobileprovision" for your app extension.
Once this is done, you can build your app again.
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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


The message explains that two distinct provisioning profiles are needed to build your app, because App Extensions are separate programs.

You need to create an additional provisioning profile for your App Extension in the iOS Provisioning Portal, put it in your Keychain directory, and name it as instructed by the message.

Let me know if you need more help.

append delete #2. Sathyaraj

Thanks I had to create new identifier for the extension and new profile. and that did the trick.

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

You're welcome. Feel free to suggest a more explicit wording for the error message you got, and I'll change that.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty