I currently don't have Administrator rights on my Mac, which means that I'm stuck at the very first step of the process. Is there a way to manually transfer the files needed on my USB key without using the Migration Assistant for this first step?
I currently don't have Administrator rights on my Mac, which means that I'm stuck at the very first step of the process. Is there a way to manually transfer the files needed on my USB key without using the Migration Assistant for this first step?
Hello first,
As you haven't specified it, I assume you're using the latest version of the builder.
The migration assistant migrates 2 things: the iOS SDK from Xcode, and the signing identities from the Mac's Keychain. Only this last bit requires administrator rights.
As long as Xcode is installed, the SDK can be migrated, even without administrator rights, using the Migration Assistant. You'll just get one zip file instead of two, but that won't prevent it to run. And for the signing identities, they can be re-created online on the iOS Provisioning Portal website using your Windows web browser.
Best regards,
Thanks for the answer!
Unfortunately, the step 1 command exits immediately if I don't have admin rights, yielding no files.
I've edited both command files to remove the blockers at the beginning, and was able to get them both working that way.
Thanks for your help, I'm eager to use this tool!
It hints me that something should be improved. Would you mind sharing your edits ? It could be interesting to see how I could do that a bit better.
Hey, my edits were a bit rough:
I simply deleted the "if" statements and their following instructions.
For the first file, that was the if that checked for admin rights.
For the second file, that was the if that checked for the presence of the signing entities.
I think you could simply remove the "Exit 1" line from these specific warnings: They should still be displayed, but since they're not 100% necessary, they shouldn't prevent the rest of the command from executing.
Hope this helps!
I modified the first script so that it displays a warning message box when the user is not an administrator, instead of simply refusing to run. It sets a toggle that tells the signing identities shouldn't be searched for. It'll be safe if the user runs the script again from another account. I'll push that in the next version.
Thanks for your feedback.
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