iOS Build Environment Help Center

Mic button crashing / Downgrade iOS builder

append delete Fernando

Windows version: 11 23H2
Builder version: 3.60.2
iOS SDK version: 17.1

I noticed that when updating my iOS to version 17.1 and the iOS builder to version 3.60.2, using the iOS SDK 17.1, I can generate the build almost perfectly, however, the only problem is that when I press the use button the microphone in my app, the app is crashing, this didn't happen before. I don't know if it has something to do with it too, but previously I used the Try to fix unresolved symbols automatically (slower) option and currently when I activate this option, it takes several minutes to Relink UnityFramework and then gives an webview errors. It also gives an error in the current version with it activated, or with the LLVM Linker if I am using the iOS SDK 16.4. How can I downgrade the iOS builder version to 3.58, which I believe was the version that was working the build perfectly, including the mic and even the try to fix unresolved... option? If I'm not mistaken in 3.58 I was using iOS SDK 17.0 or 16.4 Thank you very much!

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


I’m sorry but I don’t understand your confusing and self-contradictory post. Please rephrase and separate the problems clearly. Provide logs where necessary.

1. Your app crashes when you tap a microphone button. What do the remote debug console logs say ? The reason of the crash will be indicated.

2. If this didn’t happen before, have you tried using the same iOS SDK as before ? This is more likely to be the cause than the other way around.

3. How can you say you get a compiled app if the linker fails even when you use the automatic symbol finding option ? This is contradictory.

4. I don’t support using older versions of the builder. That would be unmanageable. If a newer version causes a regression, it has to, and will be, fixed.

append delete #2. Fernando

- In the version of iOS builder 3.60.2 that I currently have, whether using iOS SDK 17.1 or 16.4 (which I was using before) when I check the option Use the LLVM linker (faster) my project is compiling and building, however , as I said, when I press the push in talk button to speak into the microphone, the app crashes instantly (I didn't make any changes to the project, what changed was just the iOS version, iOS SDK and iOS builder).

- When I check the option try to unresolved symbols automatically (slower), the iOS builder gives an error, showing the message from the link below (this worked perfectly in iOS builder 3.58, using SDK 16, including the microphone UI button, without crashing , so u wanted to go back to that version).

Thank you very much!

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

From this build log I see that your project uses the Objective-C msgSend stub prototypes, and to build this currently you _must_ use the LLVM linker, not the Apple one ; because Apple hasn't published their implementation yet.

Now about this crash problem. What do the remote debug logs say when the app crashes ?

Hint: if you changed the minimum iOS version, your app may need an Info.plist change, for example you might need to provide a mandatory key that will explain the user why your app requires microphone access. If that key is absent, any behaviour can happen, including an app crash.

append delete #4. Fernando

I absolutely didn't change anything in the project, not even the minimum version of iOS. All that was changed from last time until now was my iPhone's iOS version, iOS SDK version and iOS builder. I hope you are aware or can help me with this error, thank you very much!

Mic Crash Log:

append delete #5. Pierre-Marie Baty

*How to read a stack frame*

From this crash log we can see (in the stack frame) that :

- At the top level of the stack (level #0) is the crash handler, i.e. the very function that produces the crash log: __sig_handler. The actual crash always happens at the level just below.
- This function is called by level #1, i.e. the function that raised the crash signal (a SIGBUS signal): 939B1878-C4CB-34D0-B126-55AE30D21EFC (it's a GUID, Apple redacted the internal function name). The crash happens in an iOS system library (libsystem_platform.dylib).So either your app did something wrong in this iOS system library or Apple did something wrong in this version of iOS - you might have hit an iOS bug.
- At stack level #2 is the parent function that called the internal iOS system library function where the crash took place, and this function is opus_packet_parse() in UnityFramework. A Google search tells us that this function is from the Opus audio codec API: So it looks like Unity uses the open source Opus audio codec for encoding microphone input, and does something wrong.
- Levels #3 to #10 are functions that deal with the initialization of that Opus audio codec. Level #11 is an interface callback. Level #12-#13 explicitly deal with the microphone data. The next frames deal with WebRTC. The intent of the code seems to create a bridge between the microphone and a remote web server. The rest of the frames are thread initialization routines and we reach the bottom of the stack.

It does look like an implementation problem in either the Opus audio codec itself, or the way Unity initializes it. Perhaps something worked with the previous version on iOS that is now illegal on newer versions. I am relatively confident that the problem was triggered by your phone's iOS version update, although it was certainly latent with the previous version.

One thing important to note, is that your app causes a SIGBUS error. SIGBUS errors happen when your app tries to access memory that is beyond the addressable limit. This is different from the (by far most common) SIGSEGV errors which are caused when your app tries to access memory at an invalid address (such as dereferencing a NULL pointer). SIGBUS errors, as in your case, are typical from a memory exhaustion problem. This is consistent with an early warning that I see your app receives:

Nov 25 23:25:09.168 RemoteConsole <stdout>: WARNING -> applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning()

This is a message from iOS to inform your app that it's abusing the system resources and should take action. Then later on we see the Unity engine attempting to do something on its own:

Nov 25 23:25:18.882 RemoteConsole <stdout>: Unloading 62 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 22737.

It looks like the Unity engine is having a hard time to keep your app within the imposed system memory constraints. This might be the sign of a design problem.

I hope you find this explanation useful.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty