iOS Build Environment Help Center

Maybe conflict with odin serializer in iossdk 16

append delete nekocon

Windows 10
iOS Bulder 3.64
iOS SDK 16.2
Unity 2022.3.23f1


I built my project on windows and succeeded in opening the game, but i found i can't enter the gameplay scene, it came with some problem:

Reached end of array after 3 elements, when 4294967299 elements were expected.

It seems relative to the plugin Odin serializer.

So i try to build the xcode project on the macos xcode,it succeeded to enter the gameplay scene.

Best regards,

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


If this plugin you're talking about uses a custom build step written in UNIX shell script (which is probably the case), you have to reproduce these steps in a scripting language that can be run on Windows. The build log will show you a prominent warning to remind you to do so. Doesn't it ?


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty