Hello Pierre,
I have built many builds with plugin for almost 2 years, but I am currently encountering a problem.
Unity version : 2022.3.8f
Version 3.57
ios SDK : 16.4
Actually, I didn't think I had a problem at first because the plugin build nicely and installed it on the phone. But my application closes as soon as it when i try to open. I can't even see the screen, it happens so fast. I tried to build by doing remote debug, but it gave an error and I couldn't get the build. Then I check the first build log and found an error.
+ [arm64] Including Libraries\libil2cpp.a...
+ [arm64] Including Libraries\baselib.a...
+ [arm64] Linking UnityFramework...
*ld64.lld: warning: directory not found for option -LC:/Users/kandi/Desktop/Render/ios/Mooder/$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)*
+ Creating universal framework (arm64)...
+ Creating Info.plist...
+ Done.
I'm sure I made a stupid mistake. I'm waiting for your answer, *thank you <3*