iOS Build Environment Help Center

.ipa file isn't uploaded

append delete Ricardo Tejada

I'm using the App Store Connect upload tool and the process seems to end too quickly. Double checking on the task manager, I see no upload spikes but yet the tool reports it has been uploaded succesfully. How can I troubleshoot this problem?

:: @Ricardo Tejada added on 27 Oct ’21 · 22:23


Sorry, forgot to add this info:

Windows 10
Builder 3.39
iOS SDK 15.0

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


Have you read the troubleshooting tips in the documentation related to App Store upload ?

Your issue suggests that something prevents the upload script from working while erroneously returning a success code. Such a thing can happen if for example one of the passwords passed to the script contain non-alphanumeric (i.e. so-called "special") characters that can't be properly escaped on the Windows command line. In your situation I'd check the involved passwords and possibly update/change them, then try again.

Let me know if this wasn't enough to solve the problem, but I think it's likely to be it.

append delete #2. Ricardo Tejada

Hey there!

Yes, I have read the troubleshooting guide and tried all the suggestions but still no success.

I have noticed that if I turn on maximum verbosity, I get an error window suggesting to open help file. If maximum verbosity is disabled, it comes out as a "successful" build (which isn't).

I do have 2FA activated and tried using the app-specific password but yet no success. I noticed the password contains hyphens, and I've input the password both with and without them without success.

On a last note, I've noticed the maximum verbosity doesn't tell me much about the problem. Here's an image of the CMD.

:: @Ricardo Tejada added on 28 Oct ’21 · 15:29

I have changed my main password to only contain letters and the problem persists.

append delete #3. Ricardo Tejada


I have noticed that the Java version I'm using is not compatible. I'll try updating my Java version to see if that solves the issue.

:: @Ricardo Tejada added on 29 Oct ’21 · 17:00

Seems Java 7 is breaking other stuff on my computer, so I'd kindly like to suggest updating the iTMSTransporter to the latest version (2.2)

append delete #4. Pierre-Marie Baty


It's the second time a person reports that the iTMSTransporter supplied with the build environment is causing problems.

What's surprising is that it seems to concern only a fraction of the users, as if only *some* of the upload servers at Apple refused iTMSTransporter 1.x connections while the rest of the farm still accept them. It may look like the beginning of an upgrade program.

I'll see if I can upgrade it to a more recent version. It isn't a no-brainer task, because some patches are necessary to make app uploads work on Windows. It might take me some time, I can't tell. Thank you for your patience.

In the meantime, maybe you can try uploading through a VPN (as if you were uploading from another place in the world) so that you eventually hit another server that still accepts iTMSTransporter 1.x connections.

P.S. If other users are experiencing the same problem, please say so here.

append delete #5. Ricardo Tejada


Appreciate your support. I have read a bit about the documentation on the version 2.2, and seems kind of straightforward on uploading the .ipa to Apple. In any case, having the option to sign the .ipa with a distribution certificate and saving to the computer to later use the iTMS Transporter manually would be awesome

append delete #6. Oneday


I am running into a similar issue. (From Canada)

Here is a screenshot of my CMD:

I've double-checked that all the steps in the Troubleshooting section.

I'm currently on version 3.39 of the Builder and Upload tools.

:: @Oneday added on 31 Oct ’21 · 04:16

Edit: I was able to upload the .ipa file (and it was approved) via xCode on my Mac, so the issue doesn't seem to be with the file.

append delete #7. Pierre-Marie Baty

@Ricardo: last time I looked, uploading app .ipa files was prohibited server-side by Apple when iTMSTransporter was run from a Windows machine. Hence why the "it isn't a no-brainer task". Unless I'm mistaken and Apple lifted the ban since. Have you succeeded in uploading manually ?

@Oneday: yes, the issue is confirmed and I'll be working on it. Thank you for your patience.

append delete #8. Ricardo Tejada

@Pierre Since I have the app signed under development and not distribution, I can't use the iTMSTransporter manually. That's why on my latest upload I suggested on having an option to only sign the .ipa and save to my PC to test manually.

I have tried using the VPN using as you suggested (USA, Miami as IP) and didn't have success.

About the ban, I guess there's no ban since a lot of documentation points out to be 100% available for use on Windows.

append delete #9. Ruslan

Hi Pierre-Marie.
I have the same problem as in the screenshot from @Oneday, 6 post (my region of Russia). This issue persists on two different Windows 10 x64 computers.
But, maybe this information will help, I managed to load the .ipa file through a virtual machine on Windows 7 x64.

append delete #10. Pierre-Marie Baty

Hello Ruslan

Thank you for this very interesting information. So basically, it would mean that the iTMSTransporter version that I supply no longer works on Windows 10 but still does on Windows 7. I gotta check that (or upgrade to iTMS 2.2, which I'll do preferrably as soon as I have time to study that properly).

@Ricardo Tejada: you should already have a "resign.cmd" script that you can use to re-sign your .ipa with a distribution certificate, check in your builder directory. Here are its command-line options:

% resign.cmd usage
       iOS Build Environment's .ipa re-signing tool by Pierre-Marie Baty
Re-signs an iOS Package Archive ipa from the command line.

  Usage: resign.cmd [options] [file.ipa]

Valid options:

  -toolchain "path" - iOS build environment toolchain path (guessed if unset)
  -keychain "path" - Path to certificates and private keys (guessed if unset)
  -identity "cert[:...]:privatekey:passphrase" - signer identity string (*)
  -provision "file.mobileprovision" - pathname of provisioning profile to embed
  -entitlements "pathname" - path to an optional entitlements property list
  -artwork "image file" - specify a 1024x1024 App Store Connect artwork image
  -autoversion - use an automatic build version number scheme (DDDD.HH.MM)
  -v - increased verbosity

The signer identity string is a colon-separated list of all certificates in the
trust chain that you want to include in your digital signature. A typical trust
chain contains at least 3 items: your own certificate, your private key and its
passphrase. If you don't supply intermediary certificates after yours, the code
signer will attempt to pick them up automatically from the keychain directory.

  Example: "my.cer:my.key:p@ssw0rd"

If no identity is provided, the default signing identity is used; if no default
signing identity has been setup, then only a pseudo-signature is performed.
So basically you'd call this like:
% example use
"%IOSUNITYBUILDER_PATH%\resign.cmd" -identity "your_distribution_certificate_filename.cer:your_private_key_filename.key:YourPassPhrase" -provision Path\To\Your\Distribution_Profile.mobileprovision Packages\YourApp.ipa

Let me know if it's enough to take you further.

:: @Pierre-Marie Baty added on 01 Nov ’21 · 10:43

I also have a GUI interface for this script. Let me upload it, here:

It'll be definitely easier to use. Just put it aside unity-builder.exe and the resign.cmd script. Please give me some feedback on the upload process.

append delete #11. Pierre-Marie Baty

FYI, a user sent me this GitHub link as a workaround solution.

The author of this utility seems to short iTMSTransporter completely and directly drop the upload in place at the Apple servers at the right URL using the WebDAV protocol (which is actually one of the protocols supported by iTMSTransporter). Fragile solution, but clever nonetheless. I suggest that users who urgently need a workaround consider this one, while I solve the issue with my uploader more properly.

append delete #12. Ricardo Tejada

Thank you so much! I was working on creating some Github actions to automate the process and this will help greatly. Really appreciated.

:: @Ricardo Tejada added on 02 Nov ’21 · 17:46

About the resign tool. I used the GUI you sent and seems it worked with no issues.

append delete #13. Pierre-Marie Baty

Don't forget to let me know if you manage to upload with iTMSTransporter 2.2, this will help me too. As I'm fixing another problem in the meantime, your feedback will save me some time.

append delete #14. Ricardo Tejada

Hey Pierre!

Sorry, I wasn't able to upload using the 2.2 Transporter, but it wasn't a fault connection, it's that I had a rough time setting the enviroment for it, reinstalling a bunch of stuff, etc. I'm a bit on a hurry at the moment so I sadly don't have much time to test it. Nonetheless, if I find some free time I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes.

I also tried the Github repo you sent and it worked pretty good!

append delete #15. Xan


I am getting the similar issue

Windows version - 10
Builder version - 3.40
iOS SDK version - 14.4

append delete #16. Bobby

I just uploaded a build last week with no issues, but then this week I'm getting failed uploads. I've tried updating the tool and going through all the Troubleshooting tips. I even did the iTMS reset by uninstalling, restarting, and trying again. After I did all that, still no luck, and now I'm getting the same message as @RicardoTejada

It starts to go through the process of uploading, but then just quickly says "Press any key to continue..." before anything is actually uploaded.

Windows - 10
iOS Project Builder - 3.4
iOS SDK 14.5

append delete #17. Pierre-Marie Baty

I'm working on it today. It might take me a few days, thank you for your patience.

append delete #18. Goncalo

In case it helps, this is the error we are seeing when trying to upload an API on windows:

An error occurred while trying to call the requested method validateAssets. (1272)

Issue started happening at some point late last week (we uploaded just fine last Thursday)

append delete #19. Neil

I have the same issue from code: 1272

Error Message: An error occurred while trying to call the requested method validateAssets. (1272)

It can still be uploaded on this Tuesday, and there will be issue starting on Wednesday

append delete #20. Pierre-Marie Baty

I'm 50% done. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Meanwhile the workaround I proposed above is still usable.

:: @Pierre-Marie Baty added on 07 Nov ’21 · 18:59

Update: the prototype of the new uploader now works. I'm yet to clean up the code and plug it into the existing toolset, then I'll push a release that will fix those upload problems - tomorrow or tuesday, likely.

append delete #21. Ricardo Tejada

Hey Pierre!

Just came here to pay respects on your support through this forum. Really appreciate the effort.

append delete #22. Pierre-Marie Baty

The update is available. I hope it'll solve the upload problems. Please give feedback :)

:: @Pierre-Marie Baty added on 10 Nov ’21 · 12:27

Note: the new uploader completely skips iTMSTransporter and uses the new HTTPS upload protocol recommended by Apple. It is inspired by the node.js one whose URL was given above. Except that it's written in C, is native, compact, portable and uses LibreSSL. I have studied the Apple WebObjects protocol this week and found it rather well done and future-proof. So unless Apple put explicit checks to ban this very specific tool, it should work for a long time and require little maintenance on my side.

#23. Darth Vader2

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #24. Pierre-Marie Baty

Well, no news is good news, I guess...

#25. Pedro

This post was deleted by a moderator

append delete #26. Aerilys

@Pierre-Marie it seems to work with the new version! I was able to able an ipa to Apple without any trouble

@Pedro There should be a button to update to the new version in the project builder

:: @Aerilys added on 12 Nov ’21 · 20:10

And thank you very much for the fix!

append delete #27. Pierre-Marie Baty

Glad to hear it's working. You're welcome.

append delete #28. Anton David

@Pierre_Marie thank you for this new version.

I've been testing it throughout these past few days but am encountering the below error (same error when running with verbosity).

At first I thought it had to do with my environment, but today I tried uploading the .ipa directly via a Mac virtual machine, and the upload worked perfectly fine.

I'll try to carry out further research on this 1019 error, although I could not replicate it from a Mac (Transporter app).

Received error message from Apple:
Unable to process validateMetadata request at this time due to a general error (1019)

Error: could not validate IPA metadata. Exiting.
Press any key to continue . . .

append delete #29. Pierre-Marie Baty

Which version are you using ? V3.41.1 (iupload v20211114) which I published just today fixed that specific issue.

:: @Pierre-Marie Baty added on 15 Nov ’21 · 14:39

FWIW the cause was an incorrect assumption on my end. I was assuming the "icon URL" parameter would always be present in the server reply and was considering the reply invalid when it wasn't. I learned that it wasn't always the case.

append delete #30. Anton David

That worked like a charm!! (v3.41.1)

Thank you.

append delete #31. Pierre-Marie Baty

Glad to hear. You're welcome.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty