The iOS 17 sdk package form step 1 is only 55m and dosen't work. It happened when iOS 16's out. Should iosbuilder update for iOS 17
The iOS 17 sdk package form step 1 is only 55m and dosen't work. It happened when iOS 16's out. Should iosbuilder update for iOS 17
The next update will be compatible with the iOS 17 SDK. I'm very sorry for the delay, I had many other urgent things to do for work and very little free time.
I promise to deliver an update supporting the iOS 17 SDK this week, ie before Saturday. Thank you for your patience.
*edit* The iOS SDK 17 is now supported (builder v3.60+)
I saw in several threads that a new version of the builder compatible with iOS SDK 17 is now available (3.60.x). However, it is still not live on the Unity asset store. I suppose they take time to review each update. Do you have an idea of the usual review time taken by Unity to accept new versions, and when we can expect it to be available on the store?
Thank you very much!
It's already live actually. The asset you download on the Asset Store is a bootstrap installer that takes you to the download page of the latest version from my website. You just need to provide your Unity invoice to get the download link.
*edit* Here it is:
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