iOS Build Environment Help Center

Firebase sdk issue

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Windows version: Windows 10
Builder version: 3.55.1
iOS SDK version: 16.2
link to build log:

The log file is too large so i split it in 2 links.

I can't understand why the .ipa file cannot generate.
I have already download the firebase sdk and add the extra frameworks.

Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

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append delete #1. Marios

Dear Pierre-Marie Baty,

I m trying to build my Unity project with the Builder asset.
My project using Firebase storage plugin.
I have downloaded the firebase sdk and the extra frameworks added through the add button.
This is not the 1st time using the Builder tool for build unity project using Firebase.
Unfortunately, I received some errors and I cant find a solution yet.

If you can help I will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

append delete #2. Pierre-Marie Baty


Simply update your builder. The linker in the version you have is too old to link your project, which uses Objective-C msgSend stub prototypes. These are supported with the Apple linker from version 3.61 and with the LLVM linker from version 3.54, but you need to opt for it in the builder UI.

P.S. Take the habit to stay up to date as much as you can, unless you want to "freeze" your project's assets on a working version.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty