iOS Build Environment Help Center

Extra frameworks not detected

append delete Niels Tiercelin

Windows 11 Pro 23H2
Builder version 3.64
iOS 17.4 SDK

Build Log:

Hi, I'm trying to build a Unity project containing the Facebook SDK. Following the documentation I've downloaded the pre-compiled frameworks and injected them using the "Add extra framework" button. The frameworks folders are located in a folder named "XCFrameworks" at this path "C:\Users\username\iOS Project Builder for Unity\SDK\System\Library".

But the builder doesn't seem to detect the frameworks, it always says "+ XCFrameworks: 0 supplied" during the process.
I don't know what I did wrong?

Best regards,

Extra compiler flags: -F"/System/Library/XCFrameworks"
Extra linker flags:
-framework FBAEMKit
-framework FBSDKCoreKit
-framework FBSDKCoreKit_Basics
-framework FBSDKGamingServicesKit
-framework FBSDKLoginKit
-framework FBSDKShareKit

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append delete #1. Niels Tiercelin
append delete #2. Pierre-Marie Baty


Nope. Please read the contents of the "DO NOT PUT ANYTHING ELSE HERE.txt" file that's in the builder's SDK directory, and that will tell you what you did wrong.

Do *not* corrupt your iOS SDK directory. Ever.

append delete #3. Niels Tiercelin

Thanks for pointing that out. I have uninstalled the builder, reinstalled it properly and imported the keychain and SDK again.
My framework folder is now at the path "C:/iOS/Frameworks". In It are the .framework subdirectories for my target platform/architecture which is ARM64.

I still have issues:

Compiler flags


Linker flags

-framework FBAEMKit
-framework FBSDKCoreKit
-framework FBSDKCoreKit_Basics
-framework FBSDKGamingServicesKit
-framework FBSDKLoginKit
-framework FBSDKShareKit
append delete #4. Pierre-Marie Baty

I do see you're affected by the "module not found" Swift error. It turns out there's something I must do to the Swift compiler (see the other thread).

But you have another problem here:

   + [arm64] Compiling Libraries\VoodooPackages\TinySauce\Internal\idfaAuthorization\NativeWrapper\Plugins\iOS\WithATT\
FINDSTRá: Impossible dÆouvrir build\Release-iphoneos\UnityFramework\arm64\Libraries\VoodooPackages\TinySauce\Internal\idfaAuthorization\NativeWrapper\Plugins\iOS\WithATT\

Is your Xcode project really in C:\iOS ? It looks typically like a Windows MAX_PATH error (pathnames longer than 255 characters are terribly supported on all Windows versions).


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty