Windows 11 Pro 23H2
Builder version 3.64
iOS 17.4 SDK
Build Log:
Hi, I'm trying to build a Unity project containing the Facebook SDK. Following the documentation I've downloaded the pre-compiled frameworks and injected them using the "Add extra framework" button. The frameworks folders are located in a folder named "XCFrameworks" at this path "C:\Users\username\iOS Project Builder for Unity\SDK\System\Library".
But the builder doesn't seem to detect the frameworks, it always says "+ XCFrameworks: 0 supplied" during the process.
I don't know what I did wrong?
Best regards,
Extra compiler flags: -F"/System/Library/XCFrameworks"
Extra linker flags:
-framework FBAEMKit
-framework FBSDKCoreKit
-framework FBSDKCoreKit_Basics
-framework FBSDKGamingServicesKit
-framework FBSDKLoginKit
-framework FBSDKShareKit