iOS Build Environment Help Center

Crash "ssh.exe" during launch CocoaPods Daemon

append delete Ruslan

• Windows version: 10
• Builder version : 3.44
• iOS SDK version 14.5

In builder version 3.44, after installing cocoapods daemon, ssh.exe crashes
Checked on two different computers, the problem persists.
I'm attaching a screenshot, it says "ssh.exe has stopped working"
If you click "close" or "cancel", then ssh.exe tries to restart and crash again and again and again.
In builder version 3.41,3.43, everything works fine, but I would like to try the latest version of the builder.
Thanks in advance.

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


Thank you for reporting this. The bug has been found and fixed. It occured when I recompiled SSH and SCP against LibreSSL whereas they were previously compiled against an old version of OpenSSL.

If you still have it, you can reuse the ssh.exe from version 3.43, until the next update which should happen in a few days.

:: @Pierre-Marie Baty added on 27 Jan ’22 · 16:09

*edit* Here's a hotfix:

I also see that Google changed a lot of things in the way they distribute Firebase through CocoaPods -- they distribute now precompiled pods. It is possible that it made things break with the builder. I'm checking that.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty