Checking the "Create dSYM" checkbox results "clang: error: unknown argument: '-gmodu'". I tried without multi-threading, same result.
Checking the "Create dSYM" checkbox results "clang: error: unknown argument: '-gmodu'". I tried without multi-threading, same result.
Hello and thank you for the feedback.
Indeed. The bug has been confirmed, located, and fixed. I'm reviewing a couple other changes and I'll be uploading a new version tonight.
In the meantime you can work it around by manually adding "-gmodules" to the extra compiler flags in all sub-projects (that's what the checkbox does actually).
Wonderful, thank you!
You're welcome. This update has some important internal changes, so please notify me of any regression you may find.
I'll do a public Test Flight and let you know how it goes - we'll probably have results by Monday :-)
(Let me know if better to post bugs in a new thread.)
Everything is working on my end, except for the IronSource frameworks (same framework version as before, 7.1.3, an I tried 7.1.14 as well). It builds, but throws this error when attempting to initialize the sdk:
[ironSource SDK] INTERNAL: [IronSourceSdk getProvidersFromServerWithCompletion:] - parameters for url: [redacted]
-[NSConcreteMutableData ISAES256EncryptWithKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x28385ed30
It doesn't actually raise an exception or crash, but the initialization callbacks are never called.
Adding the -ObjC linker flag fixed it. Onto Test Flight testing! :-D
Update: A build using the latest project builder was deployed to many thousands of player. No reports of any strange issues, so I think it's a success! :-)
Indeed that "unrecognized selector sent to instance" is almost always the sign that the project needs the -ObjC linker flags to instruct the linker not to strip Objective-C symbols that are not called "explicitly". Given a bug-free codebase of course.
Glad to hear of your success. :-)
Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty