iOS Build Environment Help Center

Cannot create .dSYM file

append delete TopCog

Checking the "Create dSYM" checkbox results "clang: error: unknown argument: '-gmodu'". I tried without multi-threading, same result.

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty

Hello and thank you for the feedback.

Indeed. The bug has been confirmed, located, and fixed. I'm reviewing a couple other changes and I'll be uploading a new version tonight.

In the meantime you can work it around by manually adding "-gmodules" to the extra compiler flags in all sub-projects (that's what the checkbox does actually).

append delete #2. TopCog

Wonderful, thank you!

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

You're welcome. This update has some important internal changes, so please notify me of any regression you may find.

append delete #4. TopCog

I'll do a public Test Flight and let you know how it goes - we'll probably have results by Monday :-)

append delete #5. TopCog

(Let me know if better to post bugs in a new thread.)

Everything is working on my end, except for the IronSource frameworks (same framework version as before, 7.1.3, an I tried 7.1.14 as well). It builds, but throws this error when attempting to initialize the sdk:

[ironSource SDK] INTERNAL: [IronSourceSdk getProvidersFromServerWithCompletion:] - parameters for url: [redacted]

-[NSConcreteMutableData ISAES256EncryptWithKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x28385ed30

It doesn't actually raise an exception or crash, but the initialization callbacks are never called.

:: @TopCog added on 14 Jan ’22 · 18:33

Adding the -ObjC linker flag fixed it. Onto Test Flight testing! :-D

append delete #6. TopCog

Update: A build using the latest project builder was deployed to many thousands of player. No reports of any strange issues, so I think it's a success! :-)

append delete #7. Pierre-Marie Baty

Indeed that "unrecognized selector sent to instance" is almost always the sign that the project needs the -ObjC linker flags to instruct the linker not to strip Objective-C symbols that are not called "explicitly". Given a bug-free codebase of course.

Glad to hear of your success. :-)


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty