iOS Build Environment Help Center

Build for TV OS not supported

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• Windows version: Windows 10
• Builder version: 3.60.2
• iOS SDK version: 17.2
• A description of the context:
I can build and upload for iPhone OS successfully but when I try to build for Apple TV OS I get this error

ERROR: The target iPhone-target in this Xcode project is for the 'appletvos' platform, whereas your installed SDK is for 'iphoneos'. Either get a 'appletvos' SDK, or change this Xcode project's target to 'iphoneos'.

Can I build and upload for TV OS using project builder?

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


Not with this version of the builder... at least not _directly_, unless you have the technical knowledge to call all of the tools by hand with the right parameters to retarget the project and use the right SDK. Because the tools are there. Not everybody knows how to do that, so if you don't feel confident enough in it, I advise to not bother trying.

The next version of the builder, which needs a big rewrite, should be able to do that. Please see my latest announcement.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty