iOS Build Environment Help Center

Build Deploy Issue

append delete Bryan Morgan

Windows 11
3.62 version
IOS 15.2 SDK

I have recently upgraded to the 3.61 version and now I am having issues when trying to build a project out. As soon as it starts to build it stops and generates the error box stating, "An error occurred while building your project". Any ideas as to why?

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


This can happen for a great number of reasons, most of them pertaining to the limitations of the Windows command interpreter. For example, if your project contains files whose full extended path is longer than 260 characters, the command interpreter will fail, so to work this around users are recommended to put their Xcode project in C:\iOS which is a very short starting path. There are, however, other possible causes. Forbidden characters in passwords, that are interpreted by the Windows command interpreter as control characters (!, ^, %) or directory separators (\, /) are another common cause. You might be in one of these cases.

Generally speaking, as politically incorrect as it sounds, negligence to follow the advices given in the various message boxes that appear during the program use, and the warnings given in the documentation, are the root cause of such problems. These warnings and advices are probably not exhaustive, and you might have run into an undocumented case, but they do cover a great lot of these cases already, so make sure you followed them all.

append delete #2. Bryan Morgan

I was able to successfully build the same project with xcode on a mac. I installed the files as described in the documentation. this started happening before I updated IOS Project Builder. The reason I updated was to resolve the issue I was having with the IOS builder window giving errors.

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

No offense please. I asked to verify because you haven’t followed the documentation at least twice (contacting me by email directly instead of using the support forum, then posting in the "Documentation" section of the forum without mentioning the basics of your problem. Fortunately you did it a third time in the right place and provided the required info. In these circumstances you’ll understand that I have grounds to suspect some sort of haste, and a misread of the documentation.)

If you are certain that you followed all the instructions, then you might have hit an undocumented case. To investigate and fix it, may I ask you please to provide me a (possibly stripped down) copy of this Xcode project, so that I can reproduce the problem ? Confidentiality is guaranteed. Send it to my email address, pm at this domain. I promise to investigate it swiftly (it takes generally not more than 2-3 days). Thanks in advance.

append delete #4. Bryan Morgan


Sent the stripped down version to your email.



append delete #5. Pierre-Marie Baty

The file has been downloaded. I'll post back as soon as I have a minute to look at it.

:: @Pierre-Marie Baty added on 03 Mar ’24 · 15:36


Your project built successfully on my machine. Apart from a catalog assets packer complaint that the AR reference assets couldn't be found (possibly because they've been stripped) there were no errors. Here's the build log:

It seems to indicate that something (a software, a setting) on your computer prevents the builder from operating normally. Possible culprits are: custom shells (that replace cmd.exe), command-line tools that overwrite or replace the standard Microsoft-supplied ones, etc. Do you have an idea what it could be ?

A good starting point is to create a new Windows user account on your computer and do not install anything else but the builder in it. This way you keep the running environment as close as possible as a standard Windows environment. Verify that your project builds when it's done from that Windows account (provided your Windows installation isn't corrupted, it will), and investigate the differences until you find the software package or setting that prevents normal operation on your main account.

I hope it helps

append delete #6. Bryan Morgan

Thanks for testing on your end. I figured it was probably a windows issue on my computer but this is a work computer and it has certain controls that i am unable to edit the settings for. I will probably do it on my personal computer and try it that way.


append delete #7. Pierre-Marie Baty

You're welcome.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty