iOS Build Environment Help Center

Associated Private Key Not Found

append delete Mumin

Version 3.41.1
Windows 10


After migration from Mac I opened up Keychain Tool and tried to identity signing. I saw my provisioning profile and I saw my associated distribution license underneath.

However It says associated private key is not found. I tried with another provisioning key and I'm still unsuccessful.

Could you provide any insight for this issue?

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


This can happen if you failed to give the administrator password to the Migration Assistant during the migration, and as a result it couldn't access the Mac's keychain to export your private keys. Without their corresponding private key, none of your certificates is usable as a signing identity.

Revoking your certificates and creating a new signing identity from scratch on the iOS Provisioning Portal is the fastest way to solve the problem. Simply follow the instructions given in the readme file for that.

Best regards,

append delete #2. Mumin

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for the input. I've managed to build the app and deploy through app connect. However I had hard times while transfering through OTA tool. (QR code tool at the end of build).

If I use transfer through OTA tool app downloads and installs (icon is not greyed out) but when I try to open app It gives an pop up error which says it cannot be opened since the app is not approved.

As you mentioned in troubleshooting document I've recreated profiles and certificates three times from start but I still face with this issue. I tried download test ipa through appconnect and testflight app as a workaround currently but I do not understand which step I'm missing.

In addition to this I'm using Gley Ad integration in my app. Remove add in app purchase button works in android but in the IOS build it just doesn't work. I tried using debugger console in IOS builder bundle but It says "iTunes is not installed in your computer some dlls are missing" (btw iTunes is already in my computer) and it reroutes me to an iTunes download link. When I try to download the iTunes in that link it stops and said "already a newer version is installed".

To sum up:
Do I need to install that spesific iTunes in order to run debug console?

Is there any workaround to solve OTA tool issue?

Is there any other debug console where I can trace these issues?

Btw: This asset is really well built.

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty


1. You need to install iTunes *desktop version*. If you already have the Windows Store version, you should remove it because it will conflict.

2. I suspect the message you get on iOS is because you deploy an app that's signed with a *distribution certificate*. You need to sign your app with a *development certificate* to test it on your iOS device. On the other hand, apps sent to App Store Connect need to be signed with a distribution certificate. To sum up:

- testing on iOS device --> use the signing identity called "iOS Development: Your Name (XXXXXXX)" or "Apple Development: Your Name (XXXXXXXX)"

- uploading to App Store Connect --> use the signing identity called "iOS Distribution: Your Name (XXXXXXXX)" or "Apple Distribution: Your Name (XXXXXXXX)"

I hope this answers your questions.

Thank you for your appreciation BTW :)

append delete #4. Mumin

Hi Pierre,

I need your help while integrating Admob in my project. I try to follow up your tutorial on this issue, both in troubleshooting section and in forum. However I'm not able to get the build I wanted.

My Google Ads SDK is 8.8 which is equivalent in Firebase version 8.5.0. That's why I implemented extra linker flags as below:

I managed to get build however I'm not able to see test ads on the app. When I trace it via console log there are many errors as "Class ... is implemented in both ... and ... One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.".

I'm not really sure how to overcome these errors and I'm not able to solve this. Could you please provide some insight?



append delete #5. Pierre-Marie Baty

Hello and sorry for the delay

Please don't hijack another person's thread and create your own next time.

You are mixing two versions of Firebase from what I see: Firebase8.9.1 and Firebase8.5.0. I doubt it's meant to work that way. Please choose which version you need according to your Unity project's requirements and use the components from the same version of Firebase.


(Leave this as-is, it’s a trap!)

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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty