iOS Build Environment Help Center

AR app submission issue

append delete LRM

Windows 10 (22H2)
Builder version : 3.60.2
iOS SDK version : 17.2

I generated my IPA for a RA app (using ARFoundation / ARKit). I did not achieve to generate it using the XRReferenceImageLibrary so I loaded dynamically the tracked images at runtime. I can now generate the IPA for Appstore but when submitting it on the store the following issue is displayed :
Apple Vision Pro support issue. The app contains the following UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities values, which aren't supported on Apple Vision Pro [arkit]. (90984).

When deleting the arkit value in info.plist before generating IPA file , I have these new errors/warnings :
ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Though you are not required to fix the following issues, we wanted to make you aware of them:
ITMS-90984: Apple Vision Pro support issue - The app contains the following UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities values, which aren’t supported on Apple Vision Pro: [arkit].

I do not know how to fix this to be able to submit the app. Hope you can help.



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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


The ITMS-90426 problem is caused by the build script mishandling the new Unity il2cpp compiler. Xcode projects produced with the new versions of the Unity editor include a macOS/arm64 library written in Swift, that is solely used when building on macOS/arm64, and not to be included in the iOS/arm64 app. The builder includes this library in the iOS app, which causes the App Store to mistakenly believe this app has Swift code. It was reported to me some time ago, fixed, and is in the pipeline for the next version. Meanwhile you can download the fixed build script here:

Unzip and put the new build.cmd file in the builder's install path. Rebuild your app before uploading it again, and let me know if it solves the problem.

append delete #2. LRM

I will try tomorrow morning and will give you feedback quickly

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

Don’t forget to bump the build number when you upload to Apple, else they’ll reuse your previous upload from their upload cache.

append delete #4. Dominik

You didn't update the latest builder with the new build.cmd, yet, didn't you? :)

After an update of the builder to 3.60.2 I suddenly ran into the ITMS-90984 upload error, too. Found this thread, replaced my build.cmd and it now works!
It *might* be that rebuilding and changing the version number was what did the trick. But considering that 3.60.2 is from November 2023 and the new build.cmd I downloaded from this thread does have some new lines compared to 3.60.2, I think that the build.cmd from this thread fixes a problem that exists in the newest available version.

So this answer is more of a reminder to push the "next version" online, as it fixes something quite serious.

Thanks again for an invaluable tool! :)

append delete #5. Pierre-Marie Baty

Unfortunately no... I'm waiting for my new AuthentiCode certificate to sign the toolchain executables and installer. The previous certificate expired, the new one isn't ready yet (some stupid EU regulation laws impose that those certificates must be stored on a hardware token such as an USB crypto device, and the first one the provider sent me ridiculously died). Anyway, I have received the new token, and I hope to receive the certificate in the coming days. Thank you for your patience.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty