iOS Build Environment Help Center

Apple iOS Upload Fails Frequently

append delete _Apocx

Since upgrading to 3.62 I've noticed upload.cmd often fails in the middle of the upload. Prior to updating it was pretty reliable. Did something change? Nothing has changed AFAIK on the build server or its networking. I don't see anything in the changelog that suggests this might have been fixed yet so figured I'd post here until I can look into it further.

15:13:35 Error: unable to upload IPA slice 9/13. Exiting.

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:: @_Apocx added on 25 Apr ’24 · 19:30

Windows 11
iOS Builder 3.62
iOS SDK 17.2

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty


Nothing has changed in this codebase for a long time. I don’t know if the protocol supports resuming a failed transfer, this would need investigation. The upload tool, currently, does not attempt to resume after a TCP error.

I suppose it’s just bad luck - but I agree that the upload tool might be improvable if Apple supports resuming transfers (something yet to be determined).

append delete #2. _Apocx

Yeah the upload will just randomly fail up to 3-4 times sometimes before finally succeeding.

I wrote a batch file to just continuously upload until it either succeeds or fails at least 10 times, since usually it only fails 3-4 times before it finally works. Since this is part of my automated build pipeline, the upload failing was getting to be extremely annoying. It used to succeed 100% of the time, now it only works like 1 in 5 times. It's strange. Everything else is working flawlessly though, love the software :)

For anyone else that has this problem, here is the script:

@echo off
echo Running upload script until it either succeeds or fails at least 10 times...

set /a "count=0"

if %count% geq 10 (
echo Reached maximum attempt limit.
goto end

call "C:\iOS\iOS Project Builder for Unity\upload.cmd" "<path to your file>.ipa" -asclogin "<your ios dev username>" -ascpassword "<your ios app password>" -ascprovider ""
set /a "exitcode=%errorlevel%"
set /a "count+=1"

if %exitcode% equ 0 (
echo Success on attempt %count%.
goto end
) else (
echo Attempt %count% failed, exit code %exitcode%.
goto loop


append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

Thank you for this very useful contribution. In a future version I'll add an input box to the builder UI to specify a number of retry attempts.


(Leave this as-is, it’s a trap!)

There is no need to “register”, just enter the same name + password of your choice every time.

Pro tip: Use markup to add links, quotes and more.

Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty