iOS Build Environment Help Center

App crashes at startup when using Admob.

append delete Iosif

Windows 10.
Unity 2020.3.21f1
iOS Builder 3.43
iOS SDK 15.2
Google Mobile Ads 6.1.2


The application builds correctly, I download it and it installs on my phone. But the application closes automatically even before splash image.

I created an empty project, built it and it worked. Then I added the Google plugin and without initializing the SDK the app crashes.

Help please, thank you very much.

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty
append delete #2. Iosif

I am using Cocoapods to build the project.

append delete #3. Pierre-Marie Baty

Can you please post the logs from the remote debug console (on PasteBin) ?

append delete #4. Iosif

I had to install iTunes because I was not receiving any app messages. Enabling system logs I receive the following when I open the app, I don't know if it helps:


append delete #5. Pierre-Marie Baty

These are the iOS system logs, but what I was asking for was your app's logs. You need to build your app with the "Enable remote debug console" checkbox ticked, and you don't need iTunes to get them, they are transferred to the debug console over Wifi.

append delete #6. Iosif

I can't build the app, I get the following message:

append delete #7. Pierre-Marie Baty

Uncheck the "Create dSYM" checkbox (or upgrade the builder to v3.44+)

append delete #8. Iosif

I still don't receive any message, I think I will try Xcode on a mac.

append delete #9. Pierre-Marie Baty

You must have checked the wrong checkbox.

When the "Enable remote debug console" checkbox is ticked, when your computer's IP address is set in the nearby text field, when your app is recompiled, when the Debug Console program is started, when the appropriate authorizations have been given in your firewall if appropriate, and when your iPhone is on the same network as your computer (i.e. Wifi), then, either you get log messages in the debug console, or your app complains that it couldn't establish the connection to the debug console.

If you have neither logs nor messagebox, it means your app wasn't recompiled properly. Please verify.

append delete #10. Iosif

Hello, I am enclosing you only filtering for errors and bugs because otherwise it would be very long.


append delete #11. Pierre-Marie Baty

There is too little info in these logs. Very often in a log file the root cause of an error doesn't contain the word "error". Please retry the following way: start logging just before you tap the app icon, and stop logging just after the app crashed. You'll get 2-3 seconds of iOS logs, which should not be longer than 3-4 pages.

append delete #12. Iosif

Hi, I attach the logs, it is very long even if it is only a second and a bit.

Thank you very much for your help.

append delete #13. Pierre-Marie Baty

The reason of the crash is here:

11:22:08.036376+0100    ReportCrash    ASI found [dyld] (sensitive) 'Library not loaded: ..\build\Release-iphoneos\FBLPromises\arm64\FBLPromises.arm64
  Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4C9937B9-61BC-47C7-BD49-E962C2CD1062/
  Reason: tried: '..\build\Release-iphoneos\FBLPromises\arm64\FBLPromises.arm64' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/..\build\Release-iphoneos\FBLPromises\arm64\FBLPromises.arm64' (no such file), '/usr/lib/..\build\Release-iphoneos\FBLPromises\arm64\FBLPromises.arm64' (no such file), '//..\build\Release-iphoneos\FBLPromises\arm64\FBLPromises.arm64' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/..\build\Release-iphoneos\FBLPromises\arm64\FBLPromises.arm64' (no such file), '/usr/lib/..\build\Release-iphoneos\FBLPromises\arm64\FBLPromises.arm64' (no such file)'

Strangely enough the path to one of the libraries built has not been adjusted in the final binary. It hints to say that something should be fixed in the builder's master build script.

Could you please send me your Xcode project so that I reproduce the problem ? Confidentiality is guaranteed.

append delete #14. Iosif

I just sent you an email with the project, it is a small test project so no problem.

append delete #15. MeltdownInteractive

I'm having the exact same issue. Everything working and building fine with Cocoapods and I bought your Cocoapods extension.

But as soon as I add Admob to my project, I get an immediate crash on iOS.

Unfortunately even on the same wifi network and added the firewall exception, I still can't seem to use the remote debugger. I even turned my PC firewall off.

Unity 2021.2.8f1
iOS Builder 3.44
Google Mobile Ads 6.1.2
iOS SDK 15.2

Just following here to see if any update from Pierre-Marie around your issue, I'm guessing its the same problem I'm having.

append delete #16. Pierre-Marie Baty


I am working on this right now. Google changed their Pods yet one more time, constructing a bogus/contradictory Pods.xcodeproj file yet one more time, and broke stuff yet one more time.

% GoogleUtilities.release.xcconfig
% Pods_Unity_iPhone.release.xcconfig

Hundred dollar question: what is the project-wide, constant, readonly, value of SRCROOT here ?

Ah CocoaPods. I sure wish this [horrible swear] never existed at all. I'm spending countless hours on this garbage of which much saner alternatives exist. It's not that it's bad tech. It's that it's tech that was popularized to people who aren't clearly wise enough to use it properly. But hey, when a trend which promoted an insanity has reached worldwide popularity, what can I do.

:: @Pierre-Marie Baty added on 29 Jan ’22 · 11:02

*edit* regarding my last sentence, any similarity with a currently ongoing worldwide global event would be, of course ! totally unintentional.

append delete #17. Ruslan

Hello everyone.
I used Google Admob SDK version 6.1.1 and builder version 3.41, iOS sdk 14.5 the project didn't crash.
Maybe this information will help someone.

append delete #18. MeltdownInteractive

Thanks for the update Pierre-Marie, I couldn't even begin to understand your frustration.
You are truly doing God's work with this project!

append delete #19. Pierre-Marie Baty

@Iosif: I could finally build and deploy a working version of your project. I’ll tidy things up and release an update that will fix this issue. Thank you for your patience.

append delete #20. Iosif

Many thanks to you for your time and helping us!

append delete #21. Pierre-Marie Baty

The update is live. Let me know if you have problems using it, but as I already said I could deploy a working version of your game on my iPhone so I'm confident it'll also solve the similar issues other people were experiencing.

append delete #22. Iosif

I just tested it and it works! Thank you very much!

append delete #23. Pierre-Marie Baty

My pleasure. Happy building!


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty