iOS Build Environment Help Center

admob + firebase occur unable to create object file

append delete ignore1

Windows Version: 10 home
Builder version: 3.59
iOS SDK version: 15.2
Link to build log:

i'm using CocoaPods daemon.
was fine before add admob & firebase

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append delete #1. Pierre-Marie Baty

Hello first

The first error in your log hints about a missing core Swift module. Have you tried upgrading your iOS SDK ? The one you use may be too old to build these pods.

Let me know if the issue persists.

#2. ignore1

This post was deleted by its owner

append delete #3. ignore1

"<unknown>:0: remark: unable to perform implicit import of "_StringProcessing" module: no such module found" error is removed after upgrade ios sdk to 16.4.

but still not working T_T

• Windows version : windows 10 home
• Builder version : 3.59
• iOS SDK version : 16.4

error: unable to create object file "build\Release-iphoneos\FirebaseInstallations\arm64\Pods\FirebaseInstallations\FirebaseInstallations\Source\Library\InstallationsIDController\FIRInstallationsBackoffController.m.obj"'s path

append delete #4. Pierre-Marie Baty

It looks like you're hitting the max path limit on Windows.

Is your Xcode project located in the C:\iOS folder like it was advised to you during the installation phase of the builder ? If not, relocate it there, and try rebuilding it from this location.

append delete #5. ignore1

i got it. i will try!

but now new error occur..

i can access ""

i dont know why this happen.

my three computer has this error.

i think this error is not relate this thread.

i will create new thread.

append delete #6. ignore1

it worked~!!

i thought my project path was short enough.

thx!! :)

append delete #7. Pierre-Marie Baty

Cool. I should invent something so that these cases are automatically signaled.


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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty