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RE[8]: Using the iOS toolchain to build Mac applications

Pierre-Marie Baty

For those interested, I took up the challenge and here is what I could come up with:

% makedmg.exe command-line help
makedmg - iOS Build Environment's .dmg file creator by Pierre-Marie Baty
Usage: makedmg <outfile.dmg> <pathname to app dir> [-v]
Example: makedmg myMacApp.dmg C:\Path\To\MyMacApp\BuildOutput
To create symlinks, put one-liner files containing just the symlink target.
To set a custom DMG icon, put a .VolumeIcon.icns file in the root directory.
To set a custom background, icons placement and sizes, place a .DS_Store
file in the root directory (you can generate one with macOS and reuse it).
Binary Mach-O files and files with a shebang (#!) get execution flags (0755).

Get it here:

And let me know if you find any issues. Merry Christmas :)

Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty