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RE[1]: A better interpreter for the build system

Pierre-Marie Baty

I'm making progress on this. It took me quite some work but I successfully ported the original Debian Almquist shell (dash) to Win32 and basically did what BusyBox did by bundling a selection of POSIX tools, but this time with a BSD userland (and exclusively BSD licenses) from Apple (when available) and FreeBSD (when not) instead of a Linux userland. Anybody having looked once at the BusyBox source code will understand the immense interest of having a "different" codebase. It still has a lot of bugs, but it's functional enough to behave like a real POSIX shell. This dash.exe is included in versions 3.64 onwards of the builder -- feedback and bug reports are welcome.

It's faster than BusyBox dash (but slower than a real shell because of Windows and NTFS particularities), handles long pathnames (to some extent), and foremost handles my emulated symlinks the same way the toolchain tools do. I learned a lot of low level things while working on it, and still am.

Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty