iOS Build Environment Help Center

'pch-cpp.hpp' file not found


Hi. I have written a Python script. Maybe it will help someone:


file_path = "g:/folder/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj"
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
file_content =
new1 = file_content.replace("$(SRCROOT)", "g:/folder")
new2 = new1.replace("$(PROJECT_DIR)", "g:/folder")
new3 = new2.replace("$PROJECT_DIR", "g:/folder")
new4 = new3.replace("$CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR", "g:/folder/build/Release-iphoneos/GameAssembly")
new5 = new4.replace('"Il2CppOutputProject', '"g:/folder/Il2CppOutputProject')
new6 = new5.replace('"Libraries', '"g:/folder/Libraries')
new7 = new6.replace("path = Libraries/", "path = g:/folder/Libraries/")
new8 = new7.replace("path = Il2CppOutputProject/", "path = g:/folder/Il2CppOutputProject/")

with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
print("String replaced successfully.")


Well, it does not work on Unity 2023.1.11f.
Any progress compiling? Ideas?


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