iOS Build Environment Help Center

'pch-cpp.hpp' file not found


Hi. It changes project.pbxproj even if I do not put file.close() in the app.

It compiles libGameAssembly.a OK, then in the next step "Building the dependency project UnityFramework..." it finds multiple errors:
- redefinition of module 'libxml2' (in Unity\SDK\usr\include\libxml2\libxml/module.modulemap and Unity\SDK\usr\include\libxml/module.modulemap)
- could not build module 'os_workgroup'
- could not build module 'Dispatch'
- could not build module 'CoreFundation'
- could not build module 'Fundation'
- could not build module 'CoreGraphics'
some of these repeat... and than it stops compiling due to 21 errors.

I have tried default script and with $(PROJECT_DIR) and with supplemented g:/folder... No difference.

Any idea?


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