iOS Build Environment Help Center

UnityAppController.h build issue

AT Mike

@Pierre-Marie Baty:
Thanks very much for the feedback. Having got my hands on the mac I'm now able to update the SDK much easier.
Updating xcode and the project builder's SDK via the migration assistant has almost fixed all of the issues. Although there is one that keeps occurring anyway (The one about CoreAudioTypes), but this is fixable by changing the linker from LLVM to the other option.

Here's the info regarding the builder:
iOS builder - version 3.62 (clang 16.0.0, swiftc 5.9.1, lld 16.0.0, ld64 907-20231214) - using iOS 17.4 SDK

The error that I get when LLVM is used is:
ld64.lld: error: framework not found for -framework CoreAudioTypes

Just making you aware of this one again in case it happens to others as well. I'll be able to build the project using using the automatic fixer


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