iOS Build Environment Help Center


When reporting a problem, please include the following items:

• Windows version
• Builder version (from the builder UI title bar)
• iOS SDK version (from the builder UI title bar)
• A description of the context

Please write at least a few lines about the particularities of the app you're trying to build if it has some (e.g. whether it uses CocoaPods or not, whether it relies on a particular capability of iOS devices, what third-party SDKs it uses, etc).

Please *do not post the full build log in the message*. Instead put it on a paste service like the one I put up for this forum: and provide just the link in your message. This will greatly improve the readability of your message. But do provide the log (i.e. the URL to your paste) if you have one.

For screenshots, you can put them for example on PostImages: and provide just the link to them in your message.

Of course, please post only after you've:

1. read the Troubleshooting section in the documentation and haven't found the solution to your problem in it
2. searched the forum for a similar problem already answered and haven't found a satisfying answer. -- Thank you!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - please read below

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  1. 4 Pierre-Marie Baty Announcement: ANNOUNCEMENT - status update & a call for help!
  2. 4 Pierre-Marie Baty Announcement: ANNOUNCEMENT - support and updates will be delayed
  3. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Locked: Crash on first time app start (+2 questions)
  4. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Announcement: Can't use your Mac to extract the iOS SDK?
  5. 9 Pierre-Marie Baty Missing Iphone 2x icons preventing build from finishing.
  6. 7 Pierre-Marie Baty Invalid Signature Distribution Provisioning Profile
  7. 7 Pierre-Marie Baty Getting "Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'FBLPromises'" Error
  8. 2 Pierre-Marie Baty Deploy over the air
  9. 7 Pierre-Marie Baty fatal error: 'UIKit/UIKit.h' file not found
  10. 5 Pierre-Marie Baty LaunchScreen iPhone storyboard ?
  11. 14 Pierre-Marie Baty CocoaPods: Linking FirebaseABTesting... Undefined symbols for architecture arm64
  12. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Build Error with XCode generated Provision Profile
  13. 13 Pierre-Marie Baty Adding optional embedded binary
  14. 10 Pierre-Marie Baty ldid: fatal: missing team identifier after -t option
  15. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Deploy to device
  16. 2 Pierre-Marie Baty Can only use OTA one time per PC restart
  17. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Firebase swift dependency
  18. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty ldid: fatal: missing team identifier after -t option
  19. 9 Pierre-Marie Baty Getting crash upon app launch. Remote debugger not providing useful information
  20. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Setting Explicit Build Number Also Sets Version Number
  21. 12 Pierre-Marie Baty OpenCVforUnity issue when compiling
  22. 2 Pierre-Marie Baty error: unable to rename temporary '' to output file [name of output file] : 'permission denied'
  23. 5 Pierre-Marie Baty Can build Debug, but not Release - "unresolved depdencies for arch arm64"
  24. 11 Pierre-Marie Baty Failing while "Building the dependency project UnityFramework" for permissions
  25. 18 Pierre-Marie Baty ITMS-90035: Invalid Signature - A required plist file or resource is malformed.
  26. 8 Pierre-Marie Baty Compiler crash in 3.47 toolset using iOS SDK 15.4
  27. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Swift compiler update?
  28. 21 Pierre-Marie Baty App crashes at start-up. Using Cocoapods with Firebase Analytics and SnapKit frameworks.
  29. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Insufficient Memory error during build
  30. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Unxip XCode Windows (Migration step 1)
  31. 9 Pierre-Marie Baty Bash command not found
  32. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty :: Build fails on various Libraries/Plugins/iOS/ classes
  33. 6 Pierre-Marie Baty fatal error: realpath() call failed
  34. 11 Pierre-Marie Baty Building the CocoaPods dependency project gRPC-Core Error
  35. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Firebase iOS builds are not supported on Windows
  36. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Apple Certificate deleting due to expiring today (20-05-22)
  37. 2 Muhammad Humza Unable to Find My Country Option[For Purchasing CocoaPods Add-on]
  38. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty Getting sched_yield include error which was already fixed from my understanding
  39. 10 Pierre-Marie Baty Builds stopped working
  40. 11 Pierre-Marie Baty Where is the SDK migration assistant?
  41. 5 Pierre-Marie Baty Cocoa Support
  42. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty "ld: framework not found null" error while trying to build ARDK Lightship example scene
  43. 13 Pierre-Marie Baty Error after adding Facebook framework
  44. 19 Pierre-Marie Baty xcopy error : "Cannot perform a cycling copy"
  45. 6 Pierre-Marie Baty Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: _NSURLCredential in UnityWebRequest
  46. 1 Pierre-Marie Baty Failed to incorrectly display localize app name
  47. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty i have (Zip_Create() failed) issue
  48. 3 Pierre-Marie Baty An error occurs after build.
  49. 6 Pierre-Marie Baty Build aborts after Building the dependency project UnityFramework...
  50. 15 Pierre-Marie Baty Unable to use the deploy to iOS device feature
  51. 41 Pierre-Marie Baty Build Firebase Library static without CocoaPods
  52. 9 Pierre-Marie Baty lldb support?
  53. 4 Pierre-Marie Baty ld: framework not found null
  54. 9 Pierre-Marie Baty Issues after loading ipa to App Store Connect

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Moderators: Pierre-Marie Baty