This forum was put online because the growing popularity of this toolchain has exceeded the time available for personal e-mail support. It is expected that a willingly feature-limited forum will stay tidy and allow to provide help in a timely and efficient manner.
- This is not a democracy/free speech area but a place dedicated to helping solving actual problems in the shortest time possible. Users are guests in this house and the door is open, but the building is private.
- Posting grants no right. Depending on peoples' availability, your posts may get no immediate reply or no reply at all, and may be edited or deleted without notification. Abusers may be banned without explanation.
- Support will do its best to be kind, helpful and comprehensive to each. Please do your best too.
- Write search-friendly thread titles, and provide reasonably comprehensive information when you post.
- Do not use this forum if the above rules pose a problem to you.
If you need to include images in your message, use an online image hosting service and include links in your message.
Happy browsing!